Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Papua New Guinea - Huli people Sing Sing

 בטארי פוגשים את בני שבט ההאלי
שמחקים בהתנהגותם ובטקסיהם את ציפורי גן העדן

Papua New Guinea - Huli people Sing Sing
The Huli people live in the generally inaccessible
and isolated Highlands of Papua New Guinea.
Their existence was not known to the Western world until relatively recently.
The Huli are among the fiercest and most interesting people in the world.
Among the many traditions they have retained
is the dance of the Huli Wigmen
in which the dancers imitate the Bird of Paradise.

Papua New Guinea - Huli Wigmen
Boys spend years constructing elaborate wigs.

It is very important for a young Huli boy to have a wig.
That's why the boys go to wig school, 
To grow strong, healthy hair,
 the young men live together in a monastic lifestyle
 under the guidance of a wig master.
Only after their wig is ready can they marry

Friday, March 23, 2012

Butterflies in Papua New Guinea

לפרפרים תכונה, שהם רב הזמן מעופפים
במיוחד הגדולים והיותר מיוחדים
בכל זאת כמה מהם הואילו בטובם
להיעמד לפוזת צילום

There is huge variety of butterflies
in Papua New Guinea,
they are always very busy looking for food
so only few of them
gave us the opportunity to take their photo 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

People of Papua New Guinea at the Goroka festival

דמויות של חוגגים בפסטיבל יום העצמאות בגורוקה

The tribes gather for music,
dancing, showing-off and extraordinary displays of tribal rituals